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MC 9-1-1 Content Team

MCECD provides the administration of the communications and technology infrastructure of the 9-1-1 system within Montgomery County, Texas. We are the public stewards of the trust and the assets of the citizens of Montgomery County, so we are dedicated to continually improving the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the district’s work efforts.
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Partnership between Montgomery County 911 and schools help adopt Rave Mobile Safety panic button


Texas county schools adopt Rave Mobile Safety panic button

General Winter Safety Tips For Your Home


Winter is almost here. Winter brings with it cold weather, icy roads and walkways, and the holidays. Unfortunately, this means that winter can bring many hazards to your home along with it. Here are a few general winter safety tips for your home that can help to minimize the chances of winter wreaking havoc on your home. 

Fall Events and Halloween Safety Tips for Montgomery County, Texas


In October, our beloved Montgomery County and surrounding communities offer Fall and Halloween themed experiences that will delight seekers of all things spooky. Whether your idea of festive means haunted woods or merely hunting for the perfect pumpkin we’ve got several options to help you fill your calendar. Keep reading for some of our favorite Fall events and Halloween safety tips.

What’s the 411 on Smart911 in Montgomery County, TX?


Smart911 is a modern innovation that gives residents of Montgomery County, TX and emergency responders an edge when it comes to receiving much-needed care fast. Essentially, when you call 9-1-1, information that is made available to the call center is limited by the type of device you’re calling from.

What is the Ray Baum's Act?


Ray Baum was a politician and lawyer who was born in Oregon in 1955, and passed on in 2018. During his career, Baum served as an Oregon legislator and top congressional aide, as well as a public utility commissioner. Baum worked with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in telecommunications.

While the Ray Baum’s Act is associated with him by namesake, it is also based on the acronym of the title “Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services Act.” Learn more about the history and purpose of this act, as well as the interesting provisions that this act entails.

The 2021 Hurricane Forecast for Texas


2020 was the year that will go down in the history books as the season the world turned upside down. Along with a brutal Presidential election and a COVID pandemic, the Atlantic pumped out 30 different tropical systems.

How to Prepare Your Kids for an Emergency


Is your family ready for emergencies? Talking to your children about potential emergency situations and what to do in the event of an incident is important. After all, the more prepared you are the better the chance of a positive outcome. Here are a few great tips on how to prepare your kids for an emergency situation.

Tips to Avoid Danger When Burning Debris at Home


There may come a time in Texas, especially when you live on acreage, that you may want to burn leaves, branch trimmings, underbrush, and other debris.

Top Tips for Preparing for a Flood


If you’re located in the many floodplains across Montgomery County, Texas, you need to know just what to do when the waters start rising. With that knowledge, you can keep your family, pets, and home as safe as possible and get help right when you need it. To help you get started, here are several tips on preparing for a flood.

General Tips for Disaster Preparedness


The steps you take prior to and during an emergency situation can help to save lives and possibly protect your home and belongings. Unfortunately, many people do not think about emergencies until they are facing one. Preparing for and knowing what to do during an emergency is extremely important. Here are a few general tips to help you with general disaster preparedness.