9-1-1 in the News!

Montgomery County's Connection to Emergency Alerts


Alert MCTX sign up buttonIn World War II, urban citizens in London, England, learned about impending harm from German bombs when air sirens went off in major city neighborhoods. During the 1960s and 1970s, the radio and TV alert signal became synonymous with an emergency notice as its irritating blurt woke us up to pay attention wherever we were. Today, local emergency alerts become personal, reaching us through our digital devices wherever we happen to be, if we choose to be connected. And it makes a huge difference, sometimes even in life and death.

Why Sign Up

The most basic reason for anyone to sign up for a local emergency alert is for the information it offers. By being more informed about what’s going on locally, a person can potentially make better decisions about how to react. That can mean avoiding being stuck in a panic evacuation, or being able to prepare ahead of time for problems and getting out of a risk area, or locking down a facility to avoid entry of a problem in the first place. Knowledge allows more informed action and for people to protect themselves better versus waiting for direction, which often comes much later or after the fact.

How It Benefits You & Your Family

Risk and danger comes in a number of ways, oftentimes unpredictably. You and your family can benefit immediately from local alerts in multiple ways, all of which allow one to act for safety or to respond more efficiently and effectively where there is need. For example, when an escaped convict got loose in Conroe, TX, an alert system was able to notify neighbors (only those that are signed up) in the immediate area to be forewarned, allowing them to secure their homes in protection as well as provide more eyes and ears for law enforcement when something suspicious was seen. Cedric Marks was an extremely dangerous problem, already serving time for two murders. Worse, he was a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter and quite capable of doing serious harm with just his bare hands. The fact that he was free and on the loose in Conroe put everyone on edge until Marks was finally caught again. Alternatively, when a chemical plant explosion occurred in Montgomery County, neighbors could know about it immediately and were able to get information about loved ones or help more effectively with a response and support, being alerted instantly. Bottom line, disasters and risks happen, and they happen very close to home as well.

How It Works

The County system is extremely effective. Users are connected and notified of emergencies through AlertMCTX or AlertCONROE. By signing up through an easy-to-use Internet portal, a user is connected to the proactive, pushed warning system provided by the Montgomery County Emergency Communication District (MCECD). This information is tied into the 9-1-1 System for the County. The provision of this immediate noticing augments existing emergency information delivery through first informers such as local radio and TV stations, giving those potentially at risk or impact up-to-date information. Connect with AlertMCTX or AlertCONROE and join in making Conroe a safer community for everyone.