9-1-1 in the News!

Stay Up to Date: Changing Weather in Our Area


Smartphones and the constant connectivity provided by the internet keep us up to date on just about everything you care about on a minute to minute basis. From the latest celebrity news to what you need to pick-up from the grocery store on the way home, you wouldn’t even attempt to go a day without getting the many notifications that you rely on to keep your head straight. However, there are some notifications that are even more important, and you need to make sure that you have opted into those notifications to ensure that you are up to date on potentially life-saving information that is pushed out to keep you safe in our community. This is especially true for keeping up to date with emergency weather alerts that could prevent you from being left stranded or in peril danger as a result of major weather events.

Holidays Bring Chaos - Take Care!


Winter holidays present a rare chance to celebrate the magic of family, along with the spirit of the season. Unfortunately, they also bring with them increased risks to your health and safety. Staying vigilant against criminals and household risks are the best ways to keep the season special -- and safe.